Zombie Horde - An Urban Dead Experience

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Saturday Night Fever (7)

With the weekend here once again, some members of the horde felt the need to "shake their booty" on the dance floor in the pre-dawn hours. So a small excursion to Club Cother was organized.

Apparently gate-crashers weren't appreciated as the very strong barricades attested to. Nevertheless, our queue-jumpers were persistent and eventually forced their way onto the dance floor.

Most of the regulars had left, but we still managed to bust a few moves ... er, heads by terminating Byzantium Creed, Peter Lawford, L0ki, Leoh and Johnathan Edmunds before they could flee.

After an hour or so of casual break-dancing, we decided to return to the lair passing by St Willibrord's Hospital to get one of our guys fixed up in Casualty after a nasty street brawl. Maxine Chase and DrJimbo2, who were manning the front counter, were hastily gutted by the other horde members while treatment was sought; strangely no-one seemed keen to patch any of us up.

Rather disgruntled with this treatment, we wandered off, munching the remains of our human kebabs ...


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