Zombie Horde - An Urban Dead Experience

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Herbert Road again (8)

There is a pile of 15 bodies outside Herbert Road ... which gives you an idea of how many guys they keep chucking out the windows after we've come calling every morning or three.

Today is no exception as the first wave of the horde ran amok within the walls of this blood soaked building (the heavy barricades proved only minimal resistance.)

In all eight illustrious humans were added to the zombie gene pool: corpse hunter, Pvt Dead, Sylvester Stallone, San Miller, Minh Tran, Madoka Ayukawa, Amputatoe and Rilkoswarm. Three more dozing humans were left behind for (hopefully) the second wave to mop up.

In addition, scouts reported single individuals loitering outside Langman Lane Fire Station and a rather loopy character sitting in the middle of Masey Drive.

Will they survive the pre-dawn hours? Time will tell ...


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